(404) 542-8584
A. A letter containing the proposed Constitutional ammendments is being sent for approval
to Dr. Knapp. Andrea Naterman, former President Pro Tem, is working with Internal
Affairs on this.
B. President Heath Gaarrett has attended meetings with both Dr. Knapp, and Dr. Douglas,
VP- Student Affairs.
I . Dr. Knapp was very receptive to this years' SGA. He suggests that we bcome
more involved in lobbying for the University with the Board of Regents and the
State Legislature. He also suggests that the President and several Senators
accompany him to meetings throughout the state to improve recruitment and
alumni relations.
2. Bi-weekly meetings will occur between Dr. Douglas and the SGa President and
any senators with timely issues to discuss. This will serve to strengthen the
relationship between the administration and the students.
C. Susie Griffin discussed the "I'm Drivin... program. We recieved a letter from Bacchus,
the co-sponsors of the program, thianking us for our involvement with them. Susie
thanked Bacchus for their efforts, and apologized for their not being mentioned in Phil
Smith's article about the SGA.
D. Holly Thomas announced the May Restaurant of the Month is the Mayflower. Please
take flyers and post them around campus.
E. The Student Fee Allocations Committee is finishing up its work on budgets for next
year. We need to reevaluate our budget so we can push for more money, and we need
Senator ideas and input on projects for the year.
F. The Senate will be divided up into three committees: Academic Affairs, Internal
Affairs, and Student Life. the committee assignments were announced. Chairmen of
these committees will not be named until the Senate vacancies have been filled.
G. Office Hours are required for all Senators. The schedule was announced. It will be
posted in the Sanate office.
I-L The attendance policy spelled out in the Constitutuion will be followed. Attendance at
meetings, including committee meetings is mandatory. Meetings will be held at Phi
Kappa Hall at 7:30 p.m., including committee meetings.
1. If anyone wouyld like to serve with Heath on the Spacenter Committee, please talk to
him. Work is continuing on the committee.
1. Senators Bourg, Griffin, Hendricks, Perry, Petrides, Thomas and Wang attended the
spring meeting of the Student Advisory Council to the Board of Regents. We received
an award for Best Student Government in Georgia, for which we tied with Ga. Tech.
Suzy Hendricks and Sandra Wang will be sponsoring a proposal in the Academic
Affairs Committee of SAC regarding transfer of credits earned while suspended from
state schools.
A. A measles emergency has been declared by the Department of Human Resources on the
UGA campus. All students, faculty and staff must show proof of immunization by
May 18. Vaccinations will be given this week and next week at the Tate Center and at
Memorial Hall. Volunteers are needed to help run the locations. Mr. Cochran spoke to
us on the importance of this crisis. Volunteerrs are needed for four-hour shifts. If you
would like to volunteer, Samantha Anderson wil be in charge.