B. 1. The president read a proposed MN4&R%blishing the Student Voter
Registration Council in the Student Government Asociation Bylaws. 'Me motion
was called to a vote by Sen. Bourg, seconded by Sen. Thomas. The motion
passed unanimously.
2. Sen. thoma , a co-director of VOTE'90 with Phil Smith (Young Democrats),
discussed activities planned for next week's VOTE'90 campaign. All senators
need to go to the Clarke County Courthouse to be deputized as registrars as soon
as possible. We have many state politicians, includin U.S. Senator Sam Nunn
scheduled to speak, as well as bands and free food all week.
C. The president announced the appointment of Sen. Hendricks as secretary of the SGA.
The appointment was approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate.
D. Applications for the vacant senior senator positions were due today. There are six
candidates running for the four seats. Ile candidates present were given a chance to
introduce themselves. The selection committee will interview candidates this week and
present their slate at next Tuesday's meeting. Candidates present at tonight's meeting
were Mike McManus, Kimberly Marsh and Alan Giro&
E. We will be attempting to become further involved with legislative lobbying this year,
and at Dr. Knapp's request, will travel with him to University System meetings and to
meetings of the Board of regents.
F. We will be co-sponsoring a gubnatorial debate in Atlanta with Georgia tech on October
G. We will have full Senate meetings May 15 and May 28.
H. Senators who will be in the Athens/Atlanta area need to let Heath know, so plans can
be made for contacting freshman about orientation during summer.
L Anyone with ideas for public relations, especailly in regard to a newsl;etter for campus
organizations, please contact Heath as soon as possible. Another public relations idea
concerns the creation of an office of executive director in the SGA.
J. In working with the City Council, we
continue to look into the situations
concerning Baldwin Street and the open container ordinance. Applications will be
available to a new liaison to the City council, as Dean Robinson will be graduationg
after this quarter.
A. Sandra Wang - We will have tables set up in the dining halls on May 30 to listen to
student concerns about University Housing.
B. Troy Von Kutzleben - If anyone knows of any concerns about the attendance policy
variation in the University, please talk to him.
Being no further business, a motion was made and passed to adjourn.
RespectftMy Submitted,
Suzy Hendricks, Secretary