1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Vice president
Ben Calhoun presided.
11. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
Senators absent excused were Marsh, Bourg, Hill and Barid.
There were no unexcused absences.
IV. Reading of Minutes
It was moved and accepted to dispense with the reading of the
V. Officer Reports
1. group pictures made tonight.
VI. Committee Reports
1. Dead Days - Senator Anderson is drafting a
proposal. It will be ready next week.
2. Semester Feasibility - Senators Hendricks and
Cochran are working on an informational article.
3. The committee is trying to hold biweekly meetings
with Dr. Delmer Dunn, vice-president for academic
1. The bylaws are being revised.
2. Applications for general committee members are
available at the information desk at the Tate Center.
3. Any ideas for public relations need to be submitted
1. We will be working with differnet areas of the
university and the communtiy to encourage