1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Vice president
Ben Calhoun presided.
11. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
Senators absent excused were Marsh, Tiggler, Anderson,
Whaley, Ostrow and Engleman. Absent unexcused were
Cleveland and Bowyer.
IV. Reading of Minutes
It was moved and accepted to dispense with the reading of the
previous week's minutes.
V. Officer Reports
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. President Pro Tern
D. Treasurer
E. Executive Director
VI. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. There will be a debate about the Persian Gulf
situation Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. at Baldwin
2. Semester Feasibility - Senator Hendricks has
written an article about changing to semesters.
Revisions will be made with Senator Cochran this
week, since new information has been received.
B. Internal Affairs
1. Please get people to sign the troop banner this
week. We need people to stay out at the tate
Center and work the tables.
2. Please be aware of the attendance policy.
3. The byalws are still under review. Anyone with
changes or suggestions needs to see Senator Perry.
C Student Life
1. Heath and Erica Tiggler are sitting on the MLK
planning committee. They will give us rep[orts as
they become available.