The Urfiversity of Georgia

REASON: After researching several aspects involved with the implementation
of a Varsity Soccer Program including a number of universities
with soccer programs, financial feasibility, and the University Club
Team, it has been shown that the majority of students favor a
Varsity Soccer Program. The Southeastern Conference will not
recognize soccer as a varsity sport until the University does. The
University will not acknowledge it as a varsity sport until the
attention be made that there is a demand for the sport. Some
opponents of the program are convinced that there is not enough
public support for a soccer program.
If the Student Government Association conducted a survey regarding
this facet of the athletic community, we would be able to
illustrate the most basic interests from the students. As of right now,
the University administration. has--'n~on to acknowledge the
Student Government Association's claims that a Varsity Soccer
Program would be beneficial. A survey of the students would provide
ample reason for the administration and faculty to listen to the
student voice.

Submitted by Senators Hill and Thomas on January 30, 1991. -


Tate Student Center - Athens, Georgia 30602 * (404) 542-8584