February 20, 1991
1 Call to Order
II. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
IV. Reading of Minutes
V. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Dead Days Status
2. Spirit Committee
3. African-American Studies
B. Internal Affairs
1. Bylaws
2. General Committee Members
3. Legislative processes
C. Student Life
1. Legislative lobby day
2. Soccer petition
3. Earth Day update
4. PE requirements
5. Letter writing campaign
6. Students Against Campus Crime
7. Student Discount Card
8. International Food Fest - April 9.
9. Yellow-ribbon day
10. Alcohol Ordinance Committee
VII. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Legislative lobbying
2. Spacenter update
B. Vice-President
C President Pro Tem
D. Treasurer
VIII. Old Business
A. Bike Paths
B. Soccer petition
C. Nominees to GAAB
D. Josiah Meigs committee members
E. Legislative processes proposal
IX. New Business
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment