February 13, 1991
1 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Vice-President Ben Calhoun
11. Open Forum
Students from the Athens Peace Camp spoke about their right to express
III. Roll Call
Senators absent excused were Garrett (Pres.), Bourg, , Hill, Lappe,
Anderson, Von Kutzleben. Unexcused was Tiggler.
IV. Reading of Minutes
It was moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous
V. Officer Reports
A. President - Heath was unable to be here tonight.
B. Vice-President - watch parlimentary procedure.
C. President Pro Tem - Josiah Meigs committee members needed.
D. Secretary - Janie Price, office secretary - requests for services
needed must go through Heath or Will Cochran.
VI. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Dead Days Status in committee
2. Spirit Committee in committee
3. African-American Studies - a proposal was made at the SAC
conference concerning multi-cultural classes. It requires
schools to offer a multi-cultural class to fulfill basic social
science core.
B. Internal Affairs
1. Bylaws
2. General Committee Members
3. Legislative processes - second reading of senate bil #12.
C_ Student Life
1. Legislative lobby day - letters to organizations out
2. Soccer petition - due next Friday
3. Earth Day update
4. PE requirements
5. Letter writing campaign
6. Students Against Campus Crime
7. Student Discount Card
8. International Food Fest - April 9.
9. Yellow-ribbon day
10. Alcohol Ordinance Committee
VII. Old Business
A. Soccer petition - please get these finished as soon as possible.
B. Nominees to GAAB - will be discussed in exec. and brought to the
Senate for approval.
C_ Legislative processes proposal - second reading.