D. SAC Conference Report - Senators Hendricks, Perry, Petrides and
Thomas attended. 11 proposals were presented to the Board of
Regents. Senator Hendricks presented one of these concerning
VIII. New Business
A. Camping Proposal
A proposal was brought up by Senators Hatfiled and Gilliard to
ban any further camping out on the University property. The motion
was seconded. Discussion followed, and an amendment was introduced
by Senator Debbie McDonald. The amendment was discussed. A motion
to table the arnmendment failed (7y, l3n, 3a). The amendment was
further discussed. A motion made to approve the amendment failed.
(12y. l1n). The original proposal was up for discussion again. A motion
to end debate failed (y8, n14, al). More discussion followed. A motion to
table the proposal passed (12y,10n, la). One senator had to leave. A
motion to take the proposal from the table passed immediately (12y,11n).
More discussion followed. A move to end debate passed (9y, 5n, 8a). The
proposal was voted on and passed by a vote of 12 in favor, I I opposed.
IX. Announcements
X. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzy Hendricks