2. Soccer Proposal: SEC schools along with a few
smaller schools have been contacted and are
supportive of varsity soccer programs. The final
bill is still being worked on to submit to each
3. Restaurant of the Month: Contact Laura
Thompson with suggestions.
4. SGA Awareness Week: October 7-11; Voter
Registration is October 8-9.
5. Miss UGA: IFC would like our help with the
pageant this year; if interested contact Holly.
6. Better Relations Day: We will be hosting
Auburn on October 30 from 9:30-3:00; Florida is
hosting UGA on October 21.
B. Academic Affairs: The government internship will
hopefully be available next winter quarter; SGA is
hoping to aid in computerizing drop/add and
registration within the next two years; SGA is also
working on getting a students activities put on his or
her transcripts.
C. Internal Affairs: Freshman elections will be held
on October 17 and petitions are due October 11;
Graduate seats will be voted on next week.
Vii. New Business: Danny Tymchuk, a transfer student from
Tech, was voted to represent SGA in Instructional
Development; Christy Darden gave the homecoming
report and encouraged support from SGA.
VIII. Old Business: none
IX. Announcements: SGA will meet every Tuesday at 8 p.m.
in room 139 Tate; Mr. Cochran, advisor, addressed the
senators and the floor and may be contacted in room
201 in the academic building; also the news letter
will be out soon.
X. Adjournment