The Utfiversity of Georgia

I. Call to Order

Ii. Open Forum

Ali Jones of SEA spoke about slowing down the process of building a new parking deck.

Dana Getzinger from SAFE CAMPUSES NOW came and asked for back-up from SGA.

Mike Wells, liaison to the Athens/Clarke County Commission, reported a delay of bus bays, discussion of open-container laws, and extending bar hours on Saturday nights.

JoJo Robbins, Director of Public Relations, passed out SGA information sheets and asked members to fill out and return them to her.

III. Roll Call

IV. Reading of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports

A. President - Dr. McDonald updated the Board of Regents according to three proposals presented by SAC. Eight people are needed for summer SAC conference in Jekyll Island on August 22 - 25. If you have any questions please contact Laura Petrides at 543-2981.

If you miss an SGA meeting you must give the President Pro Tempore a written excuse.

An SGA representative is needed for the University Safety Committee on May 28th.

Christy Darden will be the SGA representative for the Homecoming Committee.

B. Vice President - All SGA meetings are mandatory, and business attire is required. Do not schedule fall classes during SGA meetings. Spring meetings are held every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in Phi Kappa Hall. Beginning in the fall, meetings will be held every Tuesday night at 7: 3 0 p. m. in either Room 141 or Room 139 of the Tate Student Center.

Every senator must serve one office hour and check in twice per week. If you miss an of f ice hour you lose one-half of an absence and if you forget to sign in you miss one-f ourth of an absence.

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602 * (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution