The University of Georgia
The Student Government Association
OCTOBER 1, 1991
I. Call to Order 8:10 p.m,
Ii. Open Forum: Brett Samsky spoke against the
Educational Affairs Committee Proposal and asked the
senators to vote ''NO'' .
III. Roll Call: Four Senators were absent excused were
Peacock and Thompson; unexcused were; Cohen and
IV. Reading of the Minutes
V Officer Reports
A. President: The retreat planned for October 18-19
will be postponed until winter quarter due to
B. Vice-President: No report,
C. President Pro Tempore: Please put your name,
phone number, and schedule in Will's box so office
hours can be assigned! Graduate elections will be
postponed until next week.
D. Treasurer: Fill out sheets available in the SGA
office to get reimbursed for any expense.
E, Secretary: No report.
Vi. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
Student activity increase is being looked into
further; Red Ribbon Week October 19-27; SGA
awareness week October 7-11 and voter registration
Tuesday and Wednesday; PLEASE GET INVOLVED!!!!!!.'
1, I'm Drivin': Any questions ask Blair Voltz
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia
30602 * (404) 542-7774
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution