I. Call to Order 8:05 p.m.
II. Open Forum
III. Roll Call: Twelve senators were absent, excused were:
Asher, Assad, Hirata, Hoy, Patel, and Paulsen;
unexcused Carter, Celis, Grant, Thompson, Voltz, and
IV. Reading of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports
A. President: Please show up when you sign up!
B. Vice President: Absences
C. President Pro Tempore: Do office hours!
VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
1. Activities Fee: Raising activity fee; there
will be three days of hearings that involve
groups justifing how they spend their allocated
2. Ride Board: Jennifer Betros in charge of the
3. Environmental Issues: John Bradberry is SEA
5. Better Relations Day: Georgia Tech; leave at
7:15 am and return between 6:30-7:00pm on
B. Academic Affairs: Internship- must take Legislative
Politics; 5-10 hours credit.
C. Internal Affairs
VII. New Business: Peacock looking into a course review.
VIII.Old Business: Academic Dishonesty Bill #23
IX. Announcements
X. Adjournments
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia
30602 * (404) 542-7774
An Equal Opp ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution