MAY 28, 1991

Those in attendance were Holly Thomas, Will Cochran, Blair Cleveland, Ashley Disque, Aimee Arnold, and Jennifer Maslyn.


Holly and Will reported that excused absences for the May 29 meeting will be Will Cochran, Erica Hoy, Jason Assad, and Shawna Hirata.

It was announced at the first SGA meeting that the retreat was a mandatory meeting. Excuses have been received from everyone but Will Rice and Blair Voltz. They each have one unexcused absence. They are the only unexcused absences to date.


Holly reported that an SGA representative will be at Freshman orientation. Duncan Moseley will probably be the representative. He will welcome new students and tell them about SGA. An activities fair will also be held during orientation for the new students. Duncan or Will will meet with Jim Crouch about being included in the fair.


Holly and Ashley reported that SGA should vote to increase the Student Activity Fee by $8.00 per quarter. Ashley will write a senate bill on the subject. Ashley was on the Fee Allocation Committee and reported that much programming was reduced because of decreased enrollment and rising costs.

Holly had lunch with Dr. Is Knapp and Porter and other student representatives on May 28. The Student Activity Fee was discussed at length. University Union representatives are very strongly in f avor of an increase in the fee. They have been very limited because of the budget cuts and programs will be decreased because of less students and increased costs. Holly also stated that the Tate Center may decrease hours of operation.

Heath Garrett is going to make signs to put up around campus showing what will happen to programs and student organizations without the increase. Wilson Brim will write an article and JoJo Robbins will distribute it to make students aware of the situation.

Tate Student Center 9 Athens, Georgia 30602 9 (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opp ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution