Executive Meeting
May 28, 1991
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Holly suggested meeting with other student organizations to get their views on the fee increase.


Ashley reported that all individuals interested in helping with the voter registration drive should be at the Athens/Clarke County Courthouse anytime between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. on Thursday or Friday to be deputized.

Suggestion boxes and Restaurant of the Month will be discussed at the general meeting on May 29.

Shawna Hirata has written a letter for liaisons. They will be required to attend a mandatory meeting with Ashley. Absences at this meeting might lead to 1/4 unexcused absence on their record.


Will reported that he had contacted Richard Barid, who is on the Student Judiciary, about handling our impeachment proceedings and other proceedings of that nature. It is felt that an outside body should handle those matters.

No applications for graduate senators have been received. No deadline has been set for receiving the applications.


Holly reported that Erica Hoy is the liaison to the Homecoming Committee. Erica had suggested to Holly that SGA nominate someone for Homecoming.

Aimee, Holly, Jennifer, and Ashley discussed Safe Campuses Now and suggested that SGA find a way to become more involved with that organization. Aimee will talk to the group about more SGA involvement. Jennifer will check with The Campus Times about more publicity on crime statistics.


Holly reported that all committees should elect a secretary to take minutes of each meeting, and turn them into Janie Price to be filed.


Holly reported on two meetings being held this week. City Council meeting May 28 about students renting houses off-campus. The second is about alcohol sales hours and will be held June 5 at 2: 00 p.m. at City Hall. Ashley will attend the alcohol meeting. Holly encouraged all students to attend these meetings.