OCTOBER 8, 1991

I. Call to Order 8:04 p.m.

II. Open Forum: SEA member Allison Jones talked about bike
lanes in the future and spoke against the new parking
lots being built on campus; Dana Getzinger asked SGA to
be sure and support Safe Campuses Now on Thursday at
1 p.m. when NBC comes to the Tate Center.

      III. Roll Call: Three senators were absent, excused were: Peacock; unexcused were Assad and Golomb.

IV. Reading of the Minutes

V. Officer Reports
    A. President: October 21st Better Relations Day in

    Florida; SAC retreat 1st weekend in November; Senators

    were sworn in; Thursday's luncheon with Student Affairs


    B. Vice President: Explained elections.

    C. President Pro Tempore: PLEASE tell Will if you are

    going to be absent!

    D. Secretary: Please give Aimee your addresses before

    you leave.

    E. Treasurer: The expediture requests are on top of

    the boxes in the SGA office and please attach the


VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
I.Ilm Drivin': Anheusar-Busch is going to help sponsor with banners and flyers and this will be put into effect next week (National Collegiate Awareness Week); Budlight is sponsoring the Sunset Music theme with the Normal Town Flyers on Oct. 18 from 69 P.M. Tickets are $1 and go on sale Wed.
    2.Red Ribbon Week: October 14-18 B. Academic Affairs: Working on Course critique; any suggestions please tell Edwin. C. Internal Affairs: Impeachments will be coming up soon!

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602 e (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution