OCTOBER 15, 1991

I. Call to Order: 8:15 p.m.

      II. Open Forum: Two freshmen came to campaign for freshmen elections

      III. Roll Call: Eleven senators absent: Arnold, Asher, Celis, Cleveland, Gordon, Grant, Hatfield, Hirata, Hoy, Peacock, Rice.

IV. Reading of the Minutes

V. Officer Reports
    A. President

    B. Vice-President

    C. President Pro Tempore: Freshmen elections on Thursday

    D. Secretary: no report

    E. Treasurer: no report

VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life: Red Ribbon Week this week
B. Academic Affairs
C. Internal Affairs

VII. New Business

VIII.Old Business

      IX. Announcements: Christy Darden reminded SGA to get involved with homecoming.

X. Adjournment

Tate Student Center 9 Athens, Georgia 30602 e (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opp ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution