The Urfiversity of Georgia
The Student Government Association
MARCH 3, 1992
I. Call to Order 8:05 p.m.
II. Open Forum: Wilson Brim- Academic Dishonesty Policy
Panel will be held on March 10; Seven members; Q&A
style; Have questions ready; Announce at other meetings.
III. Roll Call: Nine senators were absent, excused were:
Arnold, Asher, Disque, Hoy, Moseley, Thompson, and
Patel; unexcused were Carter and Grant.
IV. Reading of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports
A. President: Appointments to Student Allocation
Committee apply through the office of Student Affairs:
Patel, Vanlandingham, and Perry approved; Swearing in of
New Senator (James Burroughs); President Knapp accepted
Student Activity Fee increase to $25; Mandatory Q&A
session next week; March 30: SGA petitions available;
All Campus Allocation committee discussed.
C. President Pro Tempore: Election subcommittee: need
Senators that are not running again to work.
D. Secretary
E. Treasurer
VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
B. Academic Affairs: Flyers on internship; JoJols
letter to Politic Science Club; Spring Quarter
Application available: due fall; Refer calls to Dr.