I. Call to Order 8:05 p.m.

      II. Open Forum: Guest speaker Dave Lunde talked about new computerized registration system, any questions call him at 542-3605.

      III. Roll Call: Nine senators were absent, excused were: Golomb, Vanlandingham, and Wolfe; unexcused were Asher, Assad, Betros, Carter, Gordon, and Patel.

IV. Reading of the Minutes

V. Officer Reports
      A. President: Allocation Committee next week; Surveys

      that were passed out are due next week.

      B. vice-President

      C. President Pro Tempore: Petitions due April 10.

      D. Secretary

      E. Treasurer

VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
B. Academic Affairs
C. Internal Affairs: Elections on April 28.

VII. Old Business

VIII.New Business

      IX. Announcements: Student Life meeting at 7:30 pm next week.

X. Adjournments

Tate Student Center e Athens, Georgia 30602 * (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution