JANUARY 21, 1992

I. Call to Order 8:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call: Five senators were absent, excused were:
Carter, Disque, and Thompson; unexcused were Celis and

III. Open Forum: Student Activity Fee

    Jim Boone: Graduate student, Works hard for money, extremely against raising the fee. Eric Somone: Graduate student, Try another way besides raising the fee. Davis Frank: University Union, Extremely for the fee increase. Jonathan Snickler: International student, Doesn't object but would like to see a budget breakdown. Mike Johnson: Would like to see where each dollar goes. Todd Nelson: Objects to the fee being raised, a student shouldn't have to pay if they don't want to. Ben Calhoun: Extremely behind the fee being raised, the fee has not been raised since 1982, all programs are a

    form of education and available to all students. Ali Jones: Would like to see where money is allocated; Also would like to protest the building of the parking deck (SEA).

      IV. Announcements: Senior Signature 1921 Wednesday January 22 at the Alumni House from 5:30-7:30.

V. Adjournment

Tate Student Center 9 Athens, Georgia 30602 * (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution