The University of Georgia
The Student Government Association
January 28, 1992
I. Call to Order 8:05 p.m.
Ii. Open Forum: Jeff Hancock from Freshmen Council and
Hall Council spoke in favor of the activity increase;
Ali Jones of SEA Spoke against building the proposed
parking deck; Joanna Jones wanted to let SGA know of
the upcoming "National, County, Government"
Campaign; Perry read a student's letter against fee
increase (junior, Beverly Wilson); Perry also said
that the printed correction of his statement will be
in the Red & Black on Januarv 29; JoJo Robbins stood
up to express concern and asked SGA to please work
with the Red & Black.
III. Roll Call: Five Senators were absent; excused were
Thompson, Thomas, and Filer; unexcused were Akin and
IV. Reading of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports
A. President: Nc report.
B. Vice-President: No report.
C. President Pro Tempore: No report.
D. Treasurer: No report.
E. Secretary: No report.
Vi. Committee Reports
A. Student Life: No raport.
B. Academic Affairs: No report.
C. internal Affairs: No report.
Vii. Old Business: Moved to amend Bill #20, passed; New
amended Bill #23 on EAC was passed.
VITI. New Business: Bill #25 was proposed and was tabled
until next week; Park
ng Deck Bill 1st reading.
IX. Announcements: Voter Registration
be on Monday
February 3 from 9:45 to 3:00.
X. Adjournment
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 30602
(404) 542-7774
An Equal Opportunity~Affirrnative Action Institution