The Student Government Association
FEBRUARY 4, 1992
I. Call to Order 8:04 p.m.
II. Open Forum: Student spoke against Parking Deck; Dardeneven if the Parking Deck is voted down won't it come
back up later; Bradberry- Read letter against the
Parking Deck; Student spoke for the Student Activity
III. Roll Call: Eight senators were absent, excused were:
Asher, Carter, and Grant; unexcused were Celis,
Davidson, Golomb, Gordon, and Voltz.
IV. Reading of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports
A. President: Voter Registration was Monday and around
285 were registered which gives us around 500 for the whole
year; Academic Dishonesty- please write a letter to President
Knapp stating why the proposal is unfair; SAC this weekend;
President Knapp is speaking on
FEB. 18.
B. Vice President
C. President Pro Tempore: Keep business formal
D. Secretary
E. Treasurer
VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
1. Restaurant of the Month: Sea Bone's
2. Voter Registration: Perry in charge.
B. Academic Affairs: Please write letters to the
University Council.
C. Internal Affairs
VII. Old Business: Student Activity Bill #25 passed; Parking
Deck Bill #26 not passed.
VIII.New Business: Letter to Herbie's passed.
IX. Announcements
X. Adjournments
Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia
(404) 542-7774
An Equal Opp ortuni ty/Affirmative Action Institution