I. Call to Order

II. Open Forum

III. Roll Call

IV. Reading of the Minutes

V. Officer Reports
      A. President: Appointments

      B. vice-President

      C. President Pro Tempore

      D. Secretary

      E. Treasurer

VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
        1. Letter Writing Campaign

        2. State Lobby Day

        3. Academic Dishonesty

      4. University Council: Forum

      B. Academic Affairs

      C. ;nternal Affairs

VII. Oldl5usiness

VIII.New Busineas

IX. Announcements

X. Adjournment

***President Knapp will i9e addressing the Student Government tonight.

Tate Student Center 9 Athens, Georgia 30602 e (404) 542-7774

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution