The university of Georgia
The Student Government Association
FEBRUARY 18, 1992
I. Call to order 8:06 p.m.
II. Open Forum: Jenny Lowe (SEA) spoke to stop parking
III. Roll Call: Seven senators were absent, excused were:
ASsad, Brim, Cleveland and Paulsen; unexcused were
Carter, Davidson, Gordon.
IV. Reading of the Minutes
** President Knapp addressed the Senate.
V. Officer Reports
A. President: Appointments to serve on the awards
review board; any student interested in serving on the
Student Activities Fee Allocation Committee tell Holly
B. Vice President
C. President Pro Tempore
D. Secretary
VI. Committee Reports
A. Student Life
1. Letter Writing Campaign is February 18-20 at the
Tate Center.
2. State Lobby Day is Wednesday FEB.26 and we will
leave at noon.
3. Drug Awareness Week is March 2-6.
4. Academic Dishonesty Proposal is tabled until the
April meeting.
5. University Council Forum is March 10 and will be
handled by Brim.
B. Academic Affairs: Internship next winter
C. Internal Affairs: Next Monday Senator applications
are due; news letter will be released soon.
VII. Old Business: Ali Jones' letter (SEA), Parking Deck
Bill #27 passed.
Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia
30602 * (404) 542-7774
An Equal Opp ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution