Minutes for meeting of
Sept. 29, 1992
The meeting was called to order at 8:05.
During Open Forum, David Douglas addressed the Senate about the
Sunday Alcohol referendum. He asked for assistance in handing out flyers to
encourage students to register to vote in Athens/ Clarke county.
Nancy DeMetz was absent and excused.
Under President's Reports:
-John announced that interviews for the Athletic Association Board of
Directors will be held on Thursday of this week.
-David Douglas was appointed to the Instructional Advisory Committee.
-Brian Cartwright was appointed as the SGA liason to the Athens/ Clarke
County Commission.
-John suggests that next week's meeting be held at the A/CC Commission
Under Vice- President's Report:
-Shawna welcomes non-senator to the meeting and asks for Senators to
assist with the Senior Class Gift project.
There was no report from the Pro Tern or the Treasurer.
Under Secretary's Report:
Andrew asked that senators interested in attending the Fall SAC to please
contact him after the meeting.
Under Committee Chair Reports:
Academic Affairs
-Chair Richard Martin, III, announced that Ray Tripp will address the
Senate on Oct. 20 to answer questions about Financial aid.
-Bruce Shuitt, from the registrar's office, will address the Senate on Oct.
13 to answer questions concerning Drop/Add.
-On Tuesday, the Academic Affairs Committee will meet at 7:15.
Student Life
-Jay Gemes announced the lighting survey on Oct. 5 at 9:15.
-The Student Life Committee will meet on Wednesday at 6:30.
Internal Affairs
-Ashley announced that Freshman Senate applications are due on Oct.
13. The Senate will man the poles during the Oct. 20 election.
-Internal Affairs will hold a meeting at 4:30 on Wed.
-Blake White announces a General Committee Member meeting will be
held at 4:00 on Wednesday.
Under Old Business:
-William Perry read his proposal concerning University Council. This
is the second reading of the proposal. Walt Abbott motions to accept with Paul
Alcus's second. The bill passes unanimously.
-President Bradberry and PR Director Ashley Lansdale present the Tshirt design to the Senate. The cost of the T-shirts will be $8.65 and will be
purchased at Sammy's. John makes the motion to accept with Walt's second.
The idea passes unanimously.
-The Presidential Straw Poll will be held on Tuesday October 6, in
conjuction other universities in the southeast. The poll is scheduled to last for
six hours, with the results to be sent to USC.