-The nomination of David Douglas as student representative for the Instructional Advisory Committee was unanimously approved.

-John appoints William Perry chair of an Ad Hoc Committee for Greater Student Representation. This position and the committee will work to restructure SGA. The motion was approved unanimously by the Senate.

-On Monday the Voter Registration Drive registered 201 people and on Tuesday 27 1. William criticized SGA members for lack of participation and praised the support of other groups such as Pan Hellenic. William announced that the Secretary of State invited him to travel to Macon College and Fort Valley State College for their voter registration drives.
-As Homecoming Liason, Ansley Paulsen reported the homecoming committees meeting last Thursday. She suggested that SGA support the event by offering manpower during the carnival (Oct.11), but not compete as an organization since SGA represents all of the campus.
-As liason with the Security Access Card Committee, Ansley reported that they had not met this quarter.
-Mr. Cochran announced that the elections for the three student seats on the University Council will be held along with the October Freshman Elections. The schools without representatives include: Education, Journalism, and Forestry.
-Tamara Brawner raised the issue of increase in garbage collection fees in A/CC along with the decrease in service. She also complained that recycling pick-up in Athens has decreased. She urged that SGA attend the Tuesday, Oct. 5 meeting of Athens/Clarke County Commission.
-It was decided that Oct. 6 SGA meeting will be held at 6:15 at the Tate Center, and proceed to the Athens/Clarke Commission meeting at 6:45 to voice students concerns over this limiting of unrelated roommates in certain areas of the city.

-Leigh Christi Smith reported the disappearance of a sorority sister during the U2 concert. She will be providing flyers to raise awareness on campus.
-Alex Panos pointed out that 'voting to vote' during a motion was unnecessary if a question was called.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:57.