During Open Fona?; Bruce Shutt (UGA Registrar) unveiled plans for new computer registration system - OASIS. The program would allow: -transcripts to be sent or received -easy address change by computer -easy financial aid filing -updates on campus activities -registering classes by computer -dropladd by computer -faculty able to input course info on computer -free access -register at will

The system will be accessed by any computer with a modem (i.e. fraternitylsorority houses, residence halls and personal computers. The system is expected on line in November, 1993 for winter quarter, 1994;

Also, Mr. Shutt spoke on the semester system conversion. A poll of sophomore classes around the state was conducted. Data finom this poll will be available in late October.

-A column in the Red & Black will coordinate with student input days at the Tate Student Center.

-Report on T-shirts - $8.40 due to Debra by 5.00p.m. on Friday (Oct. 16,1992). Shirts will be received at the next meeting, if paid!

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 * (706) 542-8584

An Equal opportunity/Affiffnative Action Institution