-Excuses due at the executive meeting on Monday, before the Tuesday meeting Under Secretapy's Report. No report Under Treasurer's Report: No report Under Committee Chair Reports. Academic Affairs - -There will be a brief meeting after tonight's SGA meeting -Speaker on October 20th is Ray Tripp from Financial Aid Internal Affairs - -There are 21 candidates for the freshman election -We need volunteers to work the polls -There will be a meeting on Thursday, re: freshman election -Shdent Life - -SGA members did a lighting survey with police last Thursday -There will be a brief meeting after the SGA meeting tonight Committee for Greater Campus Representation -Letter to students interested in committee -Voter registration drive - 2,271 students registered in 6 days -Campus wide committee -Survey of students concerned with landlord vs. tenant problems -SEC Straw Poll - Clinton won UGA, Bush won overall -Mentions that minority affairs was under this committee Under Old Business - -No old business -Under New Businem - Senator Martin introduced a Pi Kappa Phi resolution motion for urgency - seconded - all approve motion for discussion - seconded - all approve. President Bradbeny endorses resolution, stating that it doesn't condemn fiaternity and encouraged Senate to vote appropriately. This resolution is to turn something negative, into something positive. Senator Brawner offers ftiendly amendment to strike first 2 sentences. Senator Martin denies; Senator Brawner offers amendment to exclude Dr. Knapp's name in resolutiot4 Senator Martin accepts. Senator Disque disagrees with resolution - concerned it will stir-up more problems Senator Vanlandingham states that resolution doesn't demand action, just condemns what was said in pamphlet and resolution is not threatening, if read accurately. Senator Brawner mentions offense with Red & Black article concerning minority representation.