Ashley asks for each senator's class schedule in order to fill office
The president pro tem then explains the slating process done by
the Internal Affairs Committee, for the fufillment of the vacant
senate seats.
Ashley also made an announcement concerning the vacant
graduate senate positions. She also stressed the importance of
checking senate mailboxes twice a week.
Under Old Business:
The appointments for the Secretary, Treasure and committee
chair positons are approved by the senate.
The senate elects senior senators to fill the two vacant senate
positions. The candidates include: Walt Abbott, Brian Cartwright,
Mike Douglas, Scott Howard, Jeanine Gibbs, Christi McCormack, Greg
Pope, Shelly Standard, Scott Trantham and Brent Yamato. Each
candidate was allowed to speak for two minutes. Candidates Scott
Trantham and Walt Abbott were electd as the new senior senators.
President John Bradberry asks for the new senators, and senators
that were absent from last weeks meeting to stand-in order to be
sworn in as senators.
Senators absent at last weeks meeting were asked to introduce
themselves before the senate.
Under New Business:
Senator Jason Williams reads his proposal for the Jennifer Stone
Senator Sherri Chambers announces a sorority 5K road race.
Senator Tamara Brawner informs the senate of a tragedy
concerning a UGA student who lost his parents in an automobile
Carolyn Frye from the University Union updates the progress on
the summer Rock the Vote program on June 20th.
Senator Ansley Paulsen updates the senate concerning the fee
access card.
For the record Senator Alex Panos expresses disagreement on the
slating procedures for filling a senate vacancy.
At 9:45, the senate is adjourned.