Minutes meeting of:
May 12, 1992
8:20 Vice-President Shawna Hirata calls the meeting to order.
Both John and Shawna welcome and congradulate new senators.
John apppoints Andy Vanlandingham as interim secretary until
appointments for the positions are made.
Interim Secretary calls the roll. Three absences: Jay Gemes, Paul
Alcus, and Tracy Baker.
President Bradberry asks each senator to stand and introduce
John introduces SGA advisor Mr. Tom Cochran.
The president then swears in all senators that are present.
Under President's Reports:
John appoints Ansley Paulsen as liason for the fee access card
committee. The senate approves the nomination.
John then discusses The Arch Society and gives some background as to
its purpose. He then nominates three students to serve on the selection
committee for the organization. The three students are: Richard Martin
1111, Scott Lees, and Stacy Hall.
Under Vice-presidents Reports:
Shawna announces the open chair positions for the SGA's three
standing committees: Student Life Chair, and Academic Affairs Chair.
Shawna also announced the open positions for Treasurer and Secretary.
Applications for the positions are available and are to be returned to
the Student Government office by Monday so that interviews may be made
with the candidates.
The vice-president announces that applications are available for
graduate and senior senators and that they are due Monday 18th at 5:00pm.
Shawna announces the tenative plans for the SGA retreat scheduled for
May 29-30. Several senators questioned the date due to conflicts.
Under New Business:
President Pro-Tern elections: Ashley Disque and William Perry were
nominated by senators. Both candidates gave brief speeches. Senator Alex
Panos questioned the process of not allowing candidates to debate each
other. Secret ballots were cast, and Ashley Disque was announced a the
President Pro Tem.
Under Announcements: