Also stated was Scott Trantham's interest in the Athens/Clarke
county involvement in limiting the number of unrelated roomates in
Neither the secretary nor the treasurer had a report.
There was no discussion under Old Business.
Walt Abbott expresses concern on the humor in the SGA minutes
and the UGA Today announcement.
Alex Panos announces concern for legislation in A/CC involving
hunting rights within the county.
Tamara Brawner objects to the absentee count, feeling absences
should not be counted until Fall. Several senators disagreed. Ashley
claifies the situation stating that terms begin after elections, not in
Fall quarter.
Jason William comments on the Jenny Stone memorial.
William Perry comments on the voter registration drive during
Fall quarter. He also announces a letter being sent to state-wide
SGAs concerning UGA's quarter-semester conversion. The letter is
to gain input from other schools.
The senate approves the appointment of Doug Perry to the
computer registration committee.
Secretary Andy Vanlandingham announces that the first SGA
meeting for Fall will be Tuesday, September 22, 1992 at
8: 0 0 p. m.
At 9:35 the meeting is adjourned.