Academic Affairs Chair Richard Martin announced that guest
speakers Bruce Shuitt and Ray Tripp will attend a future SGA
meeting. Richard announced a brief meeting of the Academic Affairs
meeting after tonight's Senate meeting.
Internal Affairs Chair Ashley Disque asked that all future
absences that need to be excused (or unexcused) be sent to the
Executive Staff. She also announced that freshman senator
applications are available and due by Oct. 13. The freshman elections
will be held Oct. 20. Senator DeMetz inquired about office hours and
suggested that during that time, senators could register voters
Student Life Chair Jay Gemes explained that a lighting survey
of the campus will be taken on Oct. 5, by the Campus Police
Department. He invited all interested senators to attend. A meeting
of the Student Life Committee will be held after the Senate meeting.
Senator William Perry, reminded everyone that the Voter
Registration Drive will be held Sept. 28-Oct. 5, and announced that a
meeting of all participants with the drive will be held Thursday at
4:00 in room 137 of the Tate Center. He also announced that guests
such as Secretary of State Max Cleland will be speaking at 2:30 Sept.
29 during the registration drive. Other guests include: Gwen
O'Looney, Athens-Clarke County CEO, Dr. Eastberry from the
Department of University Relations, and Republican Senate candidate
Ralph Hudgens. William asked for volunteers to arrange for
refreshments, balloons, and banners.
Senator Perry also announces that a Presidential Straw Poll will
be conducted on Oct. 6 in conjunction with the University of South
Senator/ Secretary Vanlandingham announces a ruling made
by the SEC concerning student seating during football games.
Senator Perry reads his bill to require that the President of
SGA be an member of the University Council. He also presents a
Voter Registration Packet that will be sent to colleges and
universities within the state.
Senator White announces that a General Committee Member
meeting will be held Wednesday 30 at 3:00.
Senator Trantharn suggested that a poll be taken to gage
student opinion concerning the proposal to switch from quarter to
semester system.