meeting. He thanked the General committee members that attended the meeting. He also
commented on the slow pace that SGA and the academic affairs committee is performing
concerning issues on campus. Richard suggested that SGA develop strategy for
accomplishing its goals for the year.
Internal Affairs: Chair Ashley Disque announced that the bill concerning the
increase in student representation on the student activities fee would be read under new
There was no Old Business.
President Bradberry motioned to approve the appointees for the ring selection
committee. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved.
A question was raised concerning the minority affairs chair and the appointment to
the recycling committee. President Bradberry explained that the chair was an ad hoc
committee position that did not need to be confirmed by the senate and the recycling
committee was for a volunteer not necessarily an appointment.
Senator Disque read the proposal to increase student representation on the student
activity fee allocations committee. Motion was made to accept the bill and the motion
received a second. 'Me senate approved Senate Bill 5-03.
Senator Jason Williams read the proposed Bill 5-04. Senator Jay Gemes
apologized that the bill was not presented to the Executive Committee to assign the bill a
number. President Bradberry asked that the Rules and Procedures under the constitution
be wavered so that the bill could be approved by the Senate. Senator Perry pointed that the
rules should be suspended in order to consider the bill. A motion to suspend the rules was
made and seconded. The senate approved to suspend the rules.
Senator Williams preceded to read the proposal. A motion was made to accept the
proposal and seconded. President Bradberry proposed a friendly amendment to change
11concern only" to "dealt with officially only." Williams accepted the friendly amendment.
Senator Panos proposed to strike the sentence beginning with "currently" and ended with
Senator Brawner proposed that the fide be changed to "SGA procedure in the event of
student death". Senator Williams accepted the amendment. The change proposed by
Senator Panos was also accepted. Senator Perry was disturbed that the original bill
concerning Jennifer Stone was not being persued and was bothered by the fact that SGA
was being concerned with such a morbid subject and further question the role of
Itmemorial" maintenance. Senator Hancock disagreed with Senator Perry's arguement. PR
Director Ashlee Lansdall felt that grieving was understandable, but opposed the proposal.
General Committee Member Andy Byars was recognized and discussed that
Jennifer Stone was not the only student killed in Athens and felt that all deaths of UGA
student's should be addressed. He felt that SGA could receive credibility by addressing
this issue.
Jason William's clarified that he was sponsoring the bill that Andy wrote, and
stated that SGA should have a plan to deal with student death's at the university. He also
stated that SGA could assist in memorial services if asked by the administration. Jason
asked that the wording of the bill should be reworded and motioned to table the bill. His
motion was seconded. ne bill was tabled by the Senate.
Senator Vanlandingham motioned to reinstate the rules. The motion was seconded
and approved.
Senator Brawner stated that she was working to get a column in the Red and Black
to inform the students on issues being addressed by SGA.
Senator Williams question the lack of a budget report. Treasurer Hancock
explained that he had not received a report from the business office.
Senator David Douglas stated that his regrets to be leaving SGA, but said that he
would return in the Spring. He also had change to return to senators who attended SAC.