Under Open Forum Victoria Young announced that the next General Committee meeting will be January 13, 1993 in room 154 of the Tate Student Center. We will be discussing a subcommittee for the Recycling Program with RHA, SGA needs representation on this committee.

The Senior Senatorial candidates came forward and introduced themselves and made a two minute speech before the Senate. The candidates were:

      James Burroughs

      Osoma Damas

      Joel Esperanza

      Suzanne Green

      Marietta Stack

      Chaley Wright

      Victoria Young

      John Banks

Under Roll Call: Senator Jason Williams was absent.

Under President's Report: John Bradberry thanked Blake White for attending the Residence Hall Recycling Committee meeting and urged more senators to attend the next recycling meeting which will be Thursday at 11:00 in Myers Hall.

John Bradberry announced that Doug Perry and David Douglas are leaving SGA and their respective positions on the Computerized Registration System Committee and the Instructional Oversight Committee need to be filled by other senators, hopefully from the Academic Affairs Committee. If interested in helping please see Richard Martin or myself. We need the senate's input on what you thought about Student Input Day and I would like for us to do that again sometime winter quarter. Please give your ideas on how to improve it or if we should do it again winter quarter. Are there any senators who want to help us go through the input sheets we have and respond to these questions or comments?

We need to write a letter or call in response to these input sheets.

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 a (706) 542-8584

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution