Jay Gemes reported that the Student Life Committee plans to send a letter to the individuals who responded on the input sheets and tell them what their committee is doing toward helping with student safety, recycling etc. and let the student know how they can get involved.

William Perry suggested the senators go through the input sheets and get some ideas on things to work on and take it to the appropriate committee, there were some great ideas. We need to answer these questions.

Under Vice-President's Report: Shawna Hirata reported that the Miss UGA Pageant is coming along smoothly and informed the Senate that the pageant will be held on January 17, 1993 (Sunday) beginning at 3:00 until approximately 7:00 p.m. We need SGA Senators to volunteer to be ushers and to sell programs. If you volunteer to be an usher you need to be at the Fine Arts Auditorium at 1:00 p.m. If you are going to be in town this weekend, please talk to Shawna after the meeting.

Under Treasurer's Rgiport- Jeff Hancock gave all Senators a handout on the budget and the total money that has been spent as of November 26, 1992. When we come back, I'll have everything that has been deducted from our account over the holidays. John Bradberry also informed the Senate that anyone who wants a copy of SGA's budget can get one, this is an open record.

Under Secretary's RgDQrt.- Andy Vanlandingharn had no report.

Under Committee Chair Reports:

Student Life: Chair Jay Gemes reported on the committee's meeting which occurred just before the Senate meeting. The committee discussed recycling, the next recycling meeting will be this Thursday, December 3rd at 11:00 at Myers Hall. The Bill we have to present tonight will be put on hold because Jason Williams is not present. Our committee recommended Julie Mickle to serve on the Parking Deck Safety Committee. We think she will do a good job representing SGA.

Academic Affairs: Chair Richard Martin informed Senators that his committee has a bill that will be introduced during New Business. Richard Martin passed the bill out to all Senators to look over. The bill will consist of a proposal that we have been working on concerning the drop/add process to make it more user friendly to you. Also, Richard Martin reiterated that two of his committee members have resigned who were representing SGA on a very important Computerized Registration Committee. If anyone wants to get involved in that please see Senator Martin after the meeting. Also, Senator Tamara