The Univelsity of Georgia
The Student Government Association
SEPTEMBER 28, 1992
Those present were John Bradberry, Shawna Hirata, Ashley Disque, Jay Gemes, Andy
Vanlandingham, Richard Martin, 111, Jeff Hancock and Tom Cochran.
There were no absences.
John discussed scheduling interviews with the applicants for the Athletic Board of
Directors. It was decided that at least three executives would meet with the applicants
on Thursday, October 1, 1992 from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. The interviews will be fifteen
minutes long and three applicants will be interviewed at a time. The executives present
will rate the applicants, then the ratings will be discussed and the three names will be
submitted to the Athletic Board of Directors for their decision.
John discussed the Athens/Clarke County family housing issue and it was decided to
send someone to represent SGA to the Tuesday night meeting downtown. Andy and
Ashley volunteered to attend this meeting as SGA!s representative. John decided the
issue deserved more attention and set Tuesday's SGA meeting at the Athens/Clarke
County Commission.
The issue of the racial slur by a fraternity was brought up by John, but Ashley felt the
issue had already been handled by proper authorities and there was no need for SGA to
get involved. It was a unanimous decision for SGA not to get involved, since the issue
had already been been taken care of.
John raised the question on the Agenda, should we keep the old format and add to it as
needed. Andy suggested listing topics that were discussed in order to give students who
were not at the meeting an idea of what was discussed.
Andy informed the committee that SGA had only four members to attend the SAC
conference in May and they were budgeted for six. He asked Mr. Cochran if they could
have two extra people go in the fall, and have eight, instead of six attend the conference.
Mr. Cochran explained if it could be kept within the budget, then the extra two members
could attend. There will be a deadline for members to commit for the SAC convention,
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 3o6O2-34oi * (7o6) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution