-Academic Affairs Chair Richard Martin announced a brief Academic Affairs meeting after tonight's senate meeting. lie also explained that his committee was considering a proposal to change the current Drop/Acid system and asked that interested senators contact him for input.
-Internal Affairs Chair Ashley Disque announced that 748 students voted in tile freshman elections.
-Student Life Chair Jay Genies announced ? about safety and recycling. A Student Life Committee meeting will follow the senate meeting. President Bradberry informed the senate that lie has met with the President's of RHA and SEA concerning a cooperative effort for a recycling program. Senator Williams updates his progress concerning the Jenny Stone Memorial.
-Senator William Perry, Chair of tile Committee for Greater Student Representation (GSR) asked that senators interested ' in his committee contact him after the senate meeting. One proposed topic for the committee concerns problems with students that live off campus and their concerns with the responsiblities of their landlord. Senators Alcus and Panos related their own problems concerning their landlords. Senator W. Perry also wanted to see representation at the Athens-Clarke County Commission to address these concerns.
As part of this committee, GSR, Senator W. Perry is interested ill establishing a committee for Voter Registration.

Senator William Perry updated the status of the University Council Proposal, and stated that is was currently oil the agenda for the Executive committee of the Council for Nov. 5.

-Tile topic of office hours was discussed. Senator Smith Stated misgivings about doing office hours if there was nothing in the office to do. Senators W. Perry, Chambers-, Vanlandingliain, and Disque spoke in favor tile idea of resuming office hours.
-Senator Doug Perry discusses the idea of a listing of safe neighborhoods in the city. Senator Tranthaiii stated that Safe Campuses Now currently compiles a list of the neighborhoods with a higher crime rate.
-President Bradberry suggests the idea of a course rating system for the University.
-President Bradberry motions, which is seconded, for having the Student Input Day oil Nov. 2.

-Senator flayes announces tile appearance of Al Gore at the Tate Center Plaza at 1:00 this Thursday.
-Public Relations Director AshIce Lansdall announces a foruni sponsored by the Greek Relations Advisory Board, concerning racial tensions at the University.
-Senator Martin asks for participation with a carnival sponsored by minority assistance group, C.L.A.S.S. oil Oct. 29.
-Vice-President Hirata informs the senate that Better Relations Day with Auburn will be at Auburn on Oct. 27, interested senators are to contact Senator Perry or President Bradberry.
-Senator Perry announces the formation of a group, Student for Better Education. The group will meet and discuss the state lottery issue. A rally will be held the next week. Oil Oct. 28 at 7:30, Senator Perry and President Bradberry will debate the lottery issue on 90.5 radio.