The meeting was called to order at 8:03.
Guests of the meeting were welcomed and introduced.
Under Roll Call several senators arrived late. Holly Harrelson was absent and
excused from the meeting.
Under President's Report:
President Bradberry reminded the senate that the Student Input Day will be on
Nov. 2 at the Tate Center Plaza. He asked that Senators sign -up to serve at the table that
will be set up outside. He also announced that an article will appear in the Red and Black
to promote the event.
Under Vice-President's Report:
-Vice-President Hirata announced that the Constitution contained a section
concerning rules for motions and debate.
-She also announced that applications for LRT were available.
-She announced that their will be an International Coffee Hour program on Friday
at 12:00, sponsored by the Center for Global Studies.
There were no reports from the Pro Tem, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Under Committee Chair Reports:
Student Life: Senator Ansley Paulsen updated the senate on the Fee Card project.
She stated that TDS was the company contracted to set up the system. She also stated
that a committee was being established to design the card itself.
Academic Affairs: Senator Doug Perry read a proposal to establish a "Dead Day"
on the third day of Drop/Add.
Internal Affairs: Chair Ashley Disque announced a proposal was being developed
to ask for more student representation on the Student Activities Allocation Committee.
Students Rights Committee (formerly The Committee for Student Representation):
Chair William Perry announced a meeting at 4:00 on Thursday.
Freshman Senators Nathan Ballard, Gregory Bell, Tasha Cox, and Julie
Mickle were sworn in and introduced to the Senate.
Senator Ashley Disque read a proposal concerning the Miss UGA pageant,
suggesting that SGA sponsor the program, since the former administration accepted the
responsibility to conduct the pageant. President Bradberry presented the 'con' position
stating that the pageant was not within the scope of SGA and suggested that a committee
outside of SGA be created to conduct the pageant. Senator Richard Martin spoke in favor
of the pageant stating that SGA can not abandon its responsibility, even if supported by a
previous administration and Senate. Senators Brawner and Smith supported the opinion
that SGA must accept responsibility for the pageant. Senator Alcus suggested that
General Committee Members could assist with the pageant. Senator Williams called the
question, with a second from Senator Panos. The motion passed. Senator Disque
restated the original proposal and motioned for a vote. The motion was made and
seconded. The Senate passed the proposal to accept responsibility for the Miss UGA
pageant, 29:0: 1.
Senators William Perry and Paul Alcus reported on the trip to Auburn for the
Better Relations Day.
President Bradberry swore in Senators Meghan McCarthy and Anne Bioty.
The Senate meeting was adjourned at 9: 10.