The University of Georgia
The Studcnt Govcrnment Association
Nov. 3, 1992
At 8:05 the Senate meeting was called to order.
During Open Forum, Victoria Young introduced herself as General
Cominittee Member Coordinator. She announced a meeting of General
Conuii-ittee Members on Wednesday at 8:00 in Room 148 Tate Center.
Under Roll Call, Senators Walt Abbott and Ansley Paulsen were
absent and excused. Senator Tamara Brawner was absent and unexcused.
A motion was made and seconded to dispense with the reading of die
Under President's Report:
-President Bradberry commended senators for their participation on
Input Day. The information compiled on Input Day will be distributed to the
respective committees.
-President Bradberry also announced that their will be a Recycling
meeting for University Housing on Thursday, November 19, at 11:00 a.m. at
the Georgian Area Office in Myers Hall. All interested Senators are invited
to attend and participate.
Under Vi ce-Presi dent's Report:
-Vice-President Shawna I-Erata announced that Senators William
Perry and Vanlandingham along with Ken Thompson and Ashlee Landall
will be working with the Miss UGA pageant.
-She also announced the Rev. Jesse Jackson will be speaking at 11:00
on Thursday at the Coliseum as part of the Hunter-Holmes Lecture Series.
-V.P. Hirata also asked for an update on current projects that the
senators may be working on.
Under Pro-Tem Report:
-Pro Tern Ashley Disque named the individual senators that missed
their office hours and that they would receive half an absence for missing
their hours. She also listed the procedures for signing up for-hours and how
to obtain the office key.
Under Treasurers Report:
-Treasurer Jeff Hancock stated that the Business Office did not have
an account balance for SGA, but would provide a balance and account
statement for the next Senate meeting.
Under Secretary's Report:
-Secretary Vaniandin-gham asked that all SAC delegates meet with
him after the senate meeting.
-He also noted that minutes from last senate meeting were in the
senators mailboxes.