Under Committee Chair Reports:
- Chair Jay Gemes announced that Senator Abbott was meeting with
Dr. Porter concerning suggestion boxes in the Tate Center.
-Jay also announced that he had contacted Athletic Director Vince
Dooley concerning the SEC ruling on student seating.
Internal Affairs
-Chair Ashley Disque announced that the Rules and Procedures had
been decided by Internal Affairs Comrnittee. Senator William Perry
explained and read through the Rules and Procedures to clarify and answer
any questions that the senate may have.
-Ashley announced that she spoke with Dr. Douglas and presented to
him the idea of allowing more student representation on the Student
Activities Allocation Committee
There was on Old Business or New Business.
-Four student for Classring Selection Conunittee will be need re
negotiate the contract with the company to design the rings.
-Ashley Lansdall needs pictures for an article on the freshman
Senators and pictures of rest of the Senate for future reference.
-Leigh Christi Smith suggested that SGA work with Safe~Campuses
Now to inform students of campus crimes and crimes in the Athens area.
-Richard Martin apologized for being late. Academic Affairs
conunittee will meet after Senate to decide on next week's meeting time.
-William Perry announced that Nov. 12 is Better-Relations with
Georgia Tech, and an agenda is being prepared.
-An announcement was made that Pandora pictures will be taken until
Nov 9 for interested individuals.
-President Bradberry announced that Minority Affairs Chair
interviews were being conducted.
The Senate was adjourned at 8:30.