The Student Government Association

Minutes for meeting of

Nov. 17, 1992

Under Qpen Forum. Ashley Lansdall reviewed the projects that the Public Relations committee was working on such as a Pandora page for SGA, an article column in the Red and Black spotlighting Student Goverriment. She also stated that a profile article on the freshman senators would be featured in the R&B during the week.
Under Roll Call. Senators Nancy DeMetz, Christine Hayes, Doug Perry, Stephanie Ware, and Blake White were absent and unexcused.

President John Bradberry introduced his appointment for Minority Affairs Chair, Edwena Crump. For the ring selection committee- Leigh Christi Smith, Richard Martin, Jeff Hancock, and Anne Bioty were appointed. An appointment for the Parking Deck Safety oversight committee, which would have student input concerning student safety in the Russell/ Brumby parking deck, will be made at a later date. Senators that are interested in serving on the committee should contact John Bradberry or Jay Gemes. President Bradberry reiterated the need for representation at the Housing Recycling Committee on Nov. 19th atl 1:00 at Myers Hall.

Vice-President Shawna Hirata announced that the Miss UGA pageant is underway and that a meeting was held with field representative for the pageant. Shawna distributed posters among the senators that should be placed on campus to announce that applications were available.
Shawna also read the letters of resignation for David Douglas, Paul Alcus, and Doug Perry.

Pro Tem Ashley Disque announced that applications for the two open senior senate seats were available and due on Nov. 20 at 5:00. The Internal Affairs committee will slate the candidates before the Dec. I meeting so that the Senate may vote for new senior Senators at that meeting. Applications for the Sophomore senate seat will be due on Dec. 4 and will be voted on at the first meeting on January 12, 1992.

Treasurer Jeff Hancock announced that a budget report from the Business Office will be available at the next Senate meeting.

Student Life: Chair Jay Genies reported on last week's committee meeting at the Mellow Mushroom. He also reported that he met with Dave Brown with Student's Against Campus Crime and also with Chuck Horton, chief of campus police, and they discussed topics such as, lighting on campus and an increase in escort van service. 'Me SEC seating rule at football and recycling were discussed at the student life meeting. The bill sponsored by Jason Williams was passed by the committee.
Jason William's gave background on the bill concerning the Jenny Stone memorial. He stated that due to the sensitive nature of the bill that the wording should include all student deaths at the university. Senator Williams suggested that SGA work with the VicePresident for Student Affairs to draft letters to be sent to the family on behalf of the student body, with the possible to assist with a memorial. Jason stated that he has sent letters to the Stone family and to the family of Dana Gatch, a student who died during the quarter.
Acadendc Affairs: Chair Richard Martin reviewed the academic affairs meeting last week. A topic discussed at the meeting was the "study day" policy proposal. He stated that the bill was not ready for the senate due to the absence of the bill sponsors at that

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