NOVEMBER 2,1992

7hose in allendance were: John Bradbeny, Shawna Hirata, Andy Vanlandingham, Ashlee Lansdale, William Peny, Jay Gemes and Richard Martin.

Absences were: Jeff Hancock and Ashley Disque.

John raised the question of breaking into committees after Senate meetings - - how often will the committees meet? It was discussed and decided that the full Senate will meet every other Tuesday night. 77te Committee Chair will set up a time for their committees to meet once a week, even ~f dwre is not an SG,4 Senate meedng dW week-

Andy announced that the Internal Affairs had already approved this schedule for the meetings.

Shawna asked if there were any members on the verge of being dismissed fiorn the Senate due to unercused absences.

Andy announced there were two senators who have two unexcused absences.

John announced that Student Input Day was a success and SGA received some good suggestions.

William announced that he had talked with the Red and Black, and they wil1publish articles on what SGA is doing on the input they received from the students on SGA Input Day. "en Red and Black comes for the interview, SGA needs to be prepared Kith well thought answers.

Mr. Cochran suggested the executives look over the suggestions received and give them to committees to handle, instead of one person handling everything.

John suggested that SGA have a Student Input Day again in the fiaure and informed the committee that all senators had not purchased an SGA t-shirt (even after being called and reminded). Some of the senators who bought a tshirt didn't even wear them today, and it was requested that all senators wear their t-shirts today.

Does anyone have suggestions on what to do next time to get more cooperation and help from the senators.

William suggested reading a list of the ones who participated and praise them before the whole senate.

John asked if everyone is reading the minutes from the executive meeting.

John announced that he is writing a letter to the leaders of Fraternities, Sororities and Resident Assistants asking them to distribute minutes of our meetings and informing them we are making ourselves available to go and have a forum, whenever they are interested We need to get more people and groups involved

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 3o6O2-34oi * (706) 542-8584

An Equal opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution