William stated that on a campus this size, you can't come up with one idea, you have too many people with varying opinions.
John feels SGA needs to set a definite path to follow. It is more important, for example, that William Peny work on getting more student representatives on committees, rather than taking up food for hurricane victims.
Richard stated that everyone has their opinions. I think the important thing to decide is to have a plan to include more things, don't narrow the plan too much. Keep the plan open.
Mr. Cochran asks John if this characterizes what he is saying? We are talking about student representation on campus. How can we make the campus safer? How might we restructure Student Government? Are we going to address these kinds of issues, or are we going to include things like beauty pageants and hurricane relief.
All of these are fair game for Student Govemment. You must decide what Student Government can and should be doing of the UGA campus.
John isn't sure if SGA on campus can do all of these things at this time. We aren't large enough to handle all of these issues. We need a guideline that states this is the realm of SGA - this is a goodproject, for ixample hurricane relief, but it is not in SGA's realm.
Andy feels that a Mission Statement is good, but ambiguous now. Ask the Senate what is within our scope that we can realistically do? H~hat do we want to accomplish?
Mr. Cochran stated that the execs must decide where they want SGA to go. 77ie Senate will not go anywhere without your leadership. 77ds responsibility rests on your shoulders.
John wanted to know if the execs could decide that we will decide on a Mission Statement to put before the Senate for debate.
More discussion will take place at the new exec. meeting. It will be decided if a Mission Statement is desirable, and, if so, who will draft one.