NOVEMBER 9,1992

nose in attendance. were John Bradbeny, Shawna Hirata~ Andy Vanlandingham, Ashley Disque, Brian Cartwfight, Jay Gemes, William Peny and Richard Manin.

Absences were. Jeff Hancock.

John announced to the Executive Committee that he is writing a letter to Dot Barrett, regarding having the Tate Student Center as a polling location. He has already discussed this idea with Dr. Porter, who gave John the go ahead to send the letter to Dot Barrett.

John reminded the committee of the issue they have been discussing regarding 'Where is SGA going?" He told the Executive Committee he had decided that he will take it to the Senate and ask if anyone is interested in having this debate with the Executive Committee and all interested members get together and discuss this issue.

John informed the Executive Committee that eight SGA members attended the SAC Conference in Rome, Geoigia this past weekend and suggested restructuring SAC Conference attendance.

John informed the committee that there is one more individual left to be interviewed for the position of Minority Affairs Chairman. After the last interview, I will make a final decision.

John asked Ashley Disque, who had met with Dr. Douglas regarding the allocation of student fees to get the Student Life Committee involved also. He had not known about Ashley's proposal or meeting with Dr. Douglas.

Ashley announced that she will bring up the proposal at the Senate meeting on Tuesday evening.

Mr. Cochran asks if SGA wants representation on the fing committee? I need four names if SGA wants to be represente4 I need one person from each class.

Richard volunteered to represent the senior class from SGA.

Jay volunteered to represent the junior class from SGA, if no one else