William asked Mr. Cochran if it is a regent or UGA policy that the Vice President of Student Affairs is the SGA advisor?
Mr. Cochran mentioned the SEC Conference and the wisdom of sending a freshman to this conference. Also, he mentioned the fact that SGA had not been allocated money to send a representative to this conference.
Mr. Cochran feels this conference is more intended for the leadership of SGA or senior members who have knowledge of how our SGA works.
John made the statement that he feels SGA should be accountable for their own money. If SGA can send a representative to Washington, then we should have the money to send members to this conference.
Mr. Cochran - If it isn't worth sending our senior leadership, then maybe we should not be represented at this conference. If you send someone who is inexperienced, he will not gain anything. You need to send more experienced members who know what SGA is all about, not someone who has been in SGA for less thant three weeks and on campus less than one quarter. Yhey are still trying to find out about our campus and what SGA on this campus is about. He will not gain anythingfrom this conference and won't be able to bfing anything back to this group.
Mr. Cochran reiterated that it is his role to advise SGA and if I think you are making a mistake to tell you. It is a poor investment offtinds to send someone with only 2-3 weeks on SGA to represent us at a conference. I don't feel someone with that little experience will gain any insight and understanding from this conference. I think this is a mistake because of his lack of experience.