Shawna reiterated that she felt the committees should be asked to put something in writing - what they have done and what they are trying to do.

Shawna reminded the executive committee that they had a long list of things they wanted to accomplish, and alread)( half of the quarter is over and we haven't done anything. The senators are not doing their part, and the executive committee cannot do everything by themselves. At every Senate meeting, we need to go around and discuss what needs to be done and where we are in accomplishing the task.

Richard suggested that at the next Senate meeting it should be announced to the committees that - - we need something in writing from your committee telling us what you have done and what you are going to do.

There is a group discussion and everyone agrees that the senators are not doing their part to help with the projects SGA is working on.

John will be attending a meeting on October 29th on residence hall recycling. They will set out what their goals are at this meeting.

Shawna suggested that the person who is in charge of the Recycling Committee should be the person to attend the recycling meeting on the 29th of October because the executive committee cannot attend a// the meetings for these senators and do their work for them. They should attend their own meetings.

During senate meetings we need to break down into committees and discuss what each committee has been doing. Maybe this will help get people motivated.

Richard announced that Mr. Tripp (financial aid) is going to speak at the Senate meeting on Tuesday evening, October 20, 1992. He can tell the senators how the financial aid office works and once they understand the concept, then they may have questions or suggestions for Mr. Tripp.

ft was announced that Sherri Chambers now has five absences, four of these are excused absences. Should this absence be excused or unexcused because it was not turned in before the Executive meeting last Monday. The excuse was not turned in until Friday, after she missed the Tuesday meeting. The senators have been told to turn in their excuses before the Tuesday meeting they will miss. The members voted on Sherri Chamber's absence and it was decided this excuse would be unexcused because it was