consuming - -but SGA needs to be top priority. Ourjob is to pass bills for the good of the student body. Weneed to address individuals and their problems, instead of addressing the whole Senate negatively. Go directly to the people who do not participate in projects, who don't work their alloted time at a table or who have a bad attitude.

Andy reminded the committee that the Senators were asked to attend a short committee meeting after the Senate Meeting, and some of them just leave and you can't find them. I don't know if positive reinforcement will work.

William suggested that possibly the Executive Committee is not communicating what we want to the Senate well.

Richard suggested giving the Senators something to do to get involved. Let them make some of the phone calls askingfor volunteers to work the tables or to getpeople to donate foodfor certain projects, and then they might feel like they are helping and stop complaining so much.

John stated the Executives need to lead them and get them involved. He stated it was hardfor him to get Senators involved in helping with things. It is easierfor me to make the phone calls, than to get someone else to do it. No one wants to help It is hard to find something to move them.

William offered some constructive criticism for John - - You don't handle it the tight way. It would be better if you come to the Senate Meeting and explain to them what you are doing, instead of coming in and saying this is the person who is in charge of . Tell them point by point what you want done and ask if anyone is interested in this position. Let them volunteer if they are interested Don't just choose a person yourself and tell the Senate who you have chosen. Give them a chance to participate and volunteer - - after they know exactly what you want done and what is expected from them. We need to get a clear direction of ideas and lay it out in the simplest terms.

Shawna suggested the Committee Chairs delegate a person to be responsible for a certain project. Give them guidance if needed, but if they are responsible for something, they may feel more involved

John suggested getting a team to work on a project, instead of an individual.

Ashley reminded him that teams have been tried and didn't work well. Teams are too hard because often one person gets stuck doing all the work by himself anyway.

Andy brought up having the Senators work office hours during the week.

Ashley brought up the fact that the meetings are sometimes too long and suggested during Of R not

.ficer epotts, to allow discussion.

Shawna adds that she feels the Senators need input, but they get mad when they discuss issues. "en should we allow them to have a discussion about what we have said?

John reiterated that Student Input Day is Monday, November 2nd from 10. 00 a.m. until 3. 00 p.m. He reminded everyone to sign up to work and wear your SGA t-shirt. Students need to see that SGA is approachable.

John also suggested involving the Senators in Input Day and have them help get the food for that day. Shawnawill