ask a few Senators to help her with the food from Papa John's.
John wants to pass around the sign up sheet for Input Day and have the Senators
sign up for a time to work.
John talked with Cathleen Egan and there will be an arricle in the Red and Black for Input Day.
Shawna suggested calling Input Day 'Food For 7hought. " Everyone seemed to like this idea.
John announced that he had received a letter from the University of Florida regarding student seating.
He also announced that there will be a recycling meeting at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 1992.
Andy suggested cutting the Tuesday night Senate Meeting (10-27-92) to 15-20 minutes so we can break down into
committees. Try and keep your repoits shoit and to the point and I will try to keep the Agenda shod.
Freshman Senators will be sworn in Tuesday evening at the Senate Meeting.
SGA's sponsorship of the Miss UGA Pageant will be put before the Senate for discussion and vote on 10127192.