Minutes: Student Government Association

March 2,1993

Under Roll Call, Senators Greg Bell, Meghan McCarthy, William Perry, and Victoria Young were absent.

Vice-President Ashley Disque announced the procedure for reading the amendments to the constitution. She stated that no discussion will be held at this meeting, and that discussion will occur at the next reading of the amendments.

Pro Tem Richard Martin III reiterated the absentee policy for the meetings and that attendance will be taken at committee meetings and will be counted as half an absence.

Academic Affairs Chair Leigh Christi Smith announced the next meeting which will be held Thursday at 5:30. She criticized the members of the committee for not attending and strongly urged attendance at Thursday's meeting.
Internal Affairs Chair Richard Martin III updated the senate on Internal Affairs committee's investigation concerning a new ballot format for the next senate elections.
For Student's Rights Committee, Lynn Sullivan presented the rough draft for a newsletter to be produced by the PR committee.

Upon presenting the reading of the new constitution. Mr. Cochran wanted a clarification on the wording as to this document when being presented. It was agreed that the document would be presented as amendments to the current constitution. It was agreed that the changes to the old constitution would not have to be read because copies of the current constitution were presented to the Senate to follow along and to compare the changes being proposed.
A motion was made and seconded to read the amendments to the constitution. The amendements were read (see Amendments of the Constitution).
Officers that were late to the meeting were allowed to present their reports.
Student Life Chair Jay Gemes reported on a meeting with Dr. Coker concerning the escort van. The proposal to Dr. Knapp will

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