March 9, 1993

Under Open Forum, SGA President John Bradberry introduced University of Georgia President Dr. Charles Knapp.
President Knapp thanked SGA for the invitation to address the Senate. Dr. Knapp stated several objectives that he would like to see for the University of Georgia and how the University can capitalize on the changes that are occurring within the State of Georgia. After his remarks, Dr. Knapp entertained questions from the Senate. Dr. Knapp answered questions concerning the power of SGA on campus, especially in regards to the student activity fee allocations committee and also a question of SGA's recognition on the campus. Other questions ranged from- research funding on campus, SGA' s respect from the administration's standpoint, class availability for students, the Escort Van funding, and issues concerning Financial Aid for students on campus. Dr. Knapp ended the discussion by answering questions concerning class availability and making a more uniform core curriculum between the schools and colleges.
Under Roll Call, Senators Nancy DeMetz, Jason Bennett, Jeff Hancock, Holly Harrelson, and William Perry were absent.
Under President's Repgrt, President Bradberry appointed Russ Willard as Chair of the Elections Sub-Committee. The Senate approved. Russ Willard introduced himself to the senate. John stated that members not seeking reelection will serve as members of the committee.
John appointed Greg Bell and William Perry to the student activity fee allocations committee. The Senate approved.
Under Vice- President's Report, Vice-President Ashley Disque reiterated that members will need to serve on Elections Sub-Committee. She also stated that two Bills must be reread for proper procedures concerning the passing of the Bills.
Under Pro Tern's Report, Richard Martin, III announced that absences will be given for members who miss their committee meeting.
Under Secretary's Report , Andrew Vanlandingham asked that Senators that have receipts from Kinkos to place them in his mailbox in the SGA office.
Under Student Life Committee, Ansley Paulsen reported of the student fee card to be implemented by the university. This card will serve multiple purposes on the campus, such as a credit card, a security card, and a rneal card, etc. Julie Mickle announced the progress of this year's Freshman Focus. Chair Jay Gemes reported on the progress of the new