escort van and the extended service of the van. Jay also announced a brief meeting of the committee, after the senate committee.
Lynn Sullivan presented the final newsletter that will be distributed on campus.
Under Academic Affairs, Chair Leigh Christi Smith announced a meeting at 4:00 on Wednesday. She also announce the upcoming input day during Drop/Add next quarter and that volunteers will be needed.
Under Internal Affairs, Chair Richard Martin, III announced an Internal Affairs Committee meeting at Wednesday at 4:30. The topic of discussion will include the Constitutional changes.

Under New Business, the first reading of Bill 5-12 concerning teacher evaluations was held. The first reading of Bill 5-10, concerning the elections process was held.

-John announced that a poster with recycling information will be distributed on campus next quarter.
-James E. Burroughs, Jr. asked senators to bring there ideas concerning the changes to the constitution to the Internal Affairs committee.
-Andrew Vanlandingham highlighted the responsibilities of members of the student activity fee allocations committee.